Monday, July 26, 2010

Please help me with this Blackhead Question?

I have some blackheads in my ears and i need a way to get them out fast and easy please help by today if you can!!!Please help me with this Blackhead Question?
Youch, I've had that problem before.

Once you pop them (I liked the previous posters suggestion about using a bobby pin to scratch them and pop them), be careful not to scratch at the scab! Sometimes they bleed and leave a scab, and it'll just be more noticeable if you scratch at it.

Try cleaning your ears more often with q-tips and maybe some sort of acne wipes/cream. I personally use Clearsil Ultra, but ask a beauty salon/spa about better creams (I use these too because I have dry skin and Clearsil dries it out even more). Those can include exfoliants, deep pore cleansing foam, and dual-active toners.

Good luck! :-DPlease help me with this Blackhead Question?
thats strange i've never heard of black heads in ears. you might have this problem because of simple things, like after you shower your ear folds hold shampoo, conditioner, or soap in them. i dont no how to get rid of the black heads but a way to help prevent more from coming is to wipe the folds of your ear with a q-tip.
Ok, so this will sound gross, but it works. If they're like, right outside your earhole and facing up, you can use the back end of a bobby pin and slide it across it and that usually works. If they're just facing straight out you could pop them like normal.
Try the clean and clear blackhead eraser:]


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