Monday, July 26, 2010

Does Clean and Clear blackhead eraser Work?

Or is Neutrogena Wave work better.

Some one HELP me plz

i ave BLACK SPOTS nd i want

2 kno if there is anything dat can HELP me.Does Clean and Clear blackhead eraser Work?
i dont think you can get rid of blackheads permanently esp. when you have oily skin but this is a method i use and it does get rid of my blackheads. Never squeeze your blackhead because you only get some of it out and the rest goes even deeper into your skin. First off, you can steam your face with boil water in a pot and then put a towel over your head to keep the steam in. Start by putting your face a far, not too far though just far enough where it doesnt feel like your face is burning but close enough where your can feel the steam. This will open our pores up so it'll be easier to get the blackheads out. Then pat your face dry with a clean towel and never wipe your face b/c it's too harsh for your face and your taking the mositure out, After that get an egg and separate the egg yolk and the clear stuff then after that mix the clear stuff in a bowl until it becomes foaming and then put it on your face section by section like start with your cheeks. So when you spread it onto one side of your cheek grab toilet paper and put it over your cheek and then start putting the egg white over the paper towel like dabbing it and be careful because it might rip. Do that to your whole face and it'll look like a mask. You'll look funny but hey at least your removing your blackheads and it really works so trust me. So after your whole face is covers wait 30 minutes and try not to talk because it's going to harden. After that 30 minutes has passed, dont rip it off just peel it off slowly and trust me you'll see your blackhead on the paper towel and it looks gross especially if there's a lot. Wash your face afterwards and use a toner. Start doing this 3 to 4 times a week then do it less.

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