Ok well i have a lot of blackheads that dont seem to ever go away..so i pushed some of them out and now theres red spotts on my nose..anything i can put on them to get rid of them by the morning?Red spots from pushing out blackhead?
Whatever you do, DON'T try the Visene thing. it doesn't work! I did the same thing right before a big county cheerleading event and now my mom's pics of me are wll pics of me with a HEE-UGE red mark on my nose! It won't go away in a day but the redness should start to lessen and be ALMOST gone within 3-4 days. For future referance, that cheer thing was in... March I think? And I can STILL see the blackhead that I ';pushed out.'; I would never advise anyone to do that to blackheads. ONLY whiteheads. Facials and face-washing and oil-blotting pads are the things to use for the elimination of blackheads. Hope this helps!
-LizziRed spots from pushing out blackhead?
All you can do is leave your face alone. If you're lucky and didn't break the skin then you won't have any redness come morning, but if you interfered too much then it'll probably scab or get infected, since it is like getting a cut, except more messy since usually the pore is disturbed a lot and turns into a full-on zit. Just leave it alone... the damage is done, wait till it heals. Anything else will irritate it.
If you have blackheads, most likely you have dry skin as well.
Here's are some good references:
Products that are effective to eliminate dry skin
That means it's infected, you should never squeez oil out of your pore because it will only make your pores look like orange peels.
don't push blackheads. esp if your hands are not clean. you should go get a facial numero uno. and maybe one in awile- use a deep clean clay mask %26lt; i reccomment NU SKIN or APOCH%26gt;. or exfoliant scrub. remember to put exfoliating toner after squeezing. also, use a calming mask.
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