Friday, August 20, 2010

Blemish that looks like a blackhead, but is bright red..?

I have had this one bright red spot on my nose for months.

it really stands out against my pale skin and I can't think of anything to get rid of it.

do you know what it could be/ how to get rid of it..?Blemish that looks like a blackhead, but is bright red..?
Sometimes I get blackheads that then get inflamed and basically turn into zits with blackhead cores (gross). But I think if that were the case you'd have a whitehead on it or it would be super swollen and it certainly wouldn't have hung around for months.

Have you had a doctor look at it? That is what I would do.

Good luck!Blemish that looks like a blackhead, but is bright red..?
It could be a spider nevus which is just a blood vessel which comes to the surface to the skin you czn remove this forver by getting laser treatment sometimes they go away after a year or so or you can just use some concealer
Well if it is red id say to just treat it like a zit.

Blackheads are BLACK and this is red so treat it like any other zit you have ever had oke?

hope i helped!
It could be a burst blood vessell, i have one of those on my cheek and have done for years
Likely a blocked pore...I would go to a pharmacist and ask to be sure though

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