Monday, November 21, 2011

I was picking at a blackhead now that area is all read how do i make it go down?

The blackhead didn't even come out, but i have a job interview tomorrow, so i'll prolly wear make up i want to do something about the redness.I was picking at a blackhead now that area is all read how do i make it go down?
sounds the same -

1) wash the area with soap and water

2) antibiotic cream (Neosporin or store brand - we call it magic)

3) quit pickin!

GL on your interview

have a great 2008I was picking at a blackhead now that area is all read how do i make it go down?
This will hurt but just put alcohol on it..and then go to sleep with a little bit of toothpaste on should work! Good luck!
You can try putting ice on the affected area to take the redness and swelling down. Don't irritate it even more, leave it alone because you need your face for tomorrow. I would advise against washing your face with very warm water since that could increase the redness. And lastly, the most important thing it needs is time.
Put some ice on it to reduce the swelling.
The redness should go away all on it's own over night. Next time don't pick at it. Squeeze it out.
stop touching it and it should go to the normal color by tomarrow, then just put make up on the black head if it bothers you
wash it once then dont touch no matter what use some visine eye drops to take out the redness and leave it alone ~ if you agitate the skin it will get worse~next time fight the urge to pick
leave it alone.

you can get some over the counter cream if you want but the redness should go away on it's own before morning
Wash your face really good then don't wear make-up unless it is really bad because make-up clogs up your pores so much.
A warm compress may help. Good luck with the job.
this happened to me right before picture day. you need a hot wash cloth and rest that on it for about 20 mins it might still be red but it should be gone by morning. you could put some peroxide on after too!
well you get go to like walmart or something and they have nutrigena cover that is good for like skin blemishes but I'm not sure if it is at walmart maybe cvs maybe macys idk
Put neosporin on it tonight.
just leave it be... don't pick at it... it will probably not be very noticeable tomorrow.
visine or ice.
an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
go to the store and get some clearasil vanishing cream to apply over night. rub it with a que-tip. tomorrow morning, before putting your make up on, but after your shower. hold ice on the blackhead to make the swelling go down. (you'll still need cover up, but that should take out the hill)
Your not pinching it right! Use some needle nose pliers!
If it's blood, wash it with mild soap and water. Take an aspirin and apply a cold compress to where the blackhead was, and the swelling will go down. If it's still red in the morning apply some concealer and foundation that is lighter than your skin.
its read or red? stop picking at it. gross.
This sounds funny, but it really works.... Use Visine eye drops on it.

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