Friday, August 20, 2010

Does AnceFree Get Rid Of Scars,Blackhead etc?

Welll today my old family members were just throwing money at me so i have like $50 now and i want to buy acnefree but i want to know if it will get rid of my flaws!

Plz help! 10 Points to the best answer! Thx In Advance : )Does AnceFree Get Rid Of Scars,Blackhead etc?
well i have heard acnefree is not the best to get rid of scars what is is scar no more. But acne free will get rid of the majority of your blackheads so all and all it should be pretty good. I have a friend who uses acne free and her face is perfect like im not even kidding. So yes go ahead and buy the acnefree but it is very expensive and it really has only worked on one of my friends, so you can always go with something a little cheaper. What i really love is the neutrogina Wave! and it is very very cheap! you can buy it at any local drugstore and maybe if you have a little money left over, buy scar no more because it gets rid of scars successfully and very quickly.

hope it helpsDoes AnceFree Get Rid Of Scars,Blackhead etc?
AcneFree did not really work well. It did not get rid of blackheads or my acne scars and it was so expensive too. I suggest buying something a little less costly or if your family has benefits, go to a dermatologist and get him/her to prescribe you something. I did that and my face cleared very quickly. ProActiv works really well (you have to order it off the Internet), or try some simple things that are sold in department stores like Neutragena. You could just try washing your skin with simple soap and water, to see if that does anything. (it might, it might not). Also my sister tried this and it worked: buy vitamin E and open up the little capsules and put the liquid that is inside the capsule on your face. I hope one of this methods works for you. Good luck!!!! :)
It's very difficult to get rid of acne scars. Laser resurfacing is probably the best method, but the recovery period is substantial...sometimes up to one year. If your scars are not too deep, Blu-u/Levulan treatments preceeded by micodermabrasions will be more effective. I recommend your take a look at Bill's Ace Solution as it also eliminates blackheads for good.
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